Fourth Motor Insurance Directive

Fourth Motor Insurance Directive

For years on a road,. vehicle crashes were the main cause of nonnatural deaths among travellers Unfortunately, road accidents while travelling abroad are more common than we would like.

When these are unavoidable, our team can settle damages suffered by injured parties on the territory of an EEA Member State.

As long as the motor vehicles that caused the accident are insured by a company in a Member State other than the state of residence of the injured party, we can intervene promptly if we have powers of attorney from the company that issued
the vehicle third party liability insurance policy.

How can we help you?

  • We open the claim file, based on the documents submitted by the injured party
  • We organise and evaluate the damages incurred at the request of the injured party, if the injured party has not made the evaluation in the state where the accident occurred
  • We obtain the documents related to the accident and analyse them to find a correlation between the damage and the dynamics of the accident
  • After completion of the documentation, we forward it to the vehicle third party liability insurer from abroad
  • We offer assistance for the repair of the motor vehicle and payment of the repair on behalf of the vehicle third party liability insurer from abroad

You can find us at only a phone call or an e-mail away!