

We pride ourselves on our varied portfolio of partners and customers. We are convinced that together we are stronger and better prepared to meet the challenges of the industry.

Working together with some of the most important entities in the insurance sector and beyond (banking institutions, other assistance companies), we can offer quality services tailored to each individual business and we can implement these
as desired.

These are our collaborators and customers, who have walked through our door over the years, many of whom are still our partners today:

  • Asirom, Omniasig, Uniqa, Allianz, Asiban, Ardaf, OTP Garancia, SAR Transilvania, BCR Asigurari, Certasig, Astra, Carpatica, City Insurance, Euroins,  Garanta, Cardif, Gothaer, Ergo, Eurolife, AsitoKapital, ABC Asigurari 
  • Axa, Axeria Malta, Arag, Daimler, Eurosos, Fidelidade, ISA, Zurich Portugal, Eurocross, Moldasig, Moldcargo, General Asigurari, Mutua Madrilena, FIATC, Ethias, Dekra, Chubb Polonia, Chubb UK, Gouda, Argos, CEGA Group, Passport Card, MD ABroad, SegurCaixa, Global CZ, Coris Brasil Turismo Viagens e Assistencia Internacional, MMA IARD, Pacifica, Assurance du Credit Mutuel, Matmut, GMF Assurance, Tesco, Ageas Insurance, Kobe, ADB Gjensidice, Ageas Portugal