Road Assistance

Road Assistance

No matter what precautions you take, you will experience a breakdown at some point. At times like these, call on us!

We can intervene in the following cases:

  • Minor damage requiring on-site repair: tyre deflation, battery discharge, minor electrical or electronic faults, broken drive belt, blown fuses, etc.
  • Complicated technical faults that cannot be solved on-site and require towing. The service is offered throughout Europe and Turkey. In the event of a road accident resulting in damage to the vehicle, the transport itinerary will also include the competent police unit, in order to issue the necessary documents, aiming to remedy the problem in a relatively short time.
  • Vehicle problems that cannot be fixed within 24 hours. In such situations, we can provide accommodation for drivers and passengers, transportation to the initial destination or to the initial point of departure by public transport, a running vehicle at the indicated location or information of interest (including service providers).